Still Lifes 2 – Using Exposure Compensation

When shooting table-top pictures indoors you can take your time changing the location or the position of the subject until you get that perfect picture you have in mind.    

Photo courses

Still Lifes 2 – Using Exposure Compensation

Everything is included in the frame resulting in an ordinary, featureless pictureFor table-top pictures, though it depends on the subject, you can get a lighter, fresher look by compensating the exposure towards the [+]. Take several shots compensating the exposure to get different brightness levels. In such cases, you can try using the auto bracketing function (BKT) if your camera has it.

Compare the effects of different exposure compensation values

No exposure compensation Exposure compensation at +0.7
Exposure compensation at +1.3 Everything is included in the frame resulting in
an ordinary, featureless picture

Příspěvek byl publikován v rubrice first_level a jeho autorem je Zdeněk Kamrla. Můžete si jeho odkaz uložit mezi své oblíbené záložky nebo ho sdílet s přáteli.

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