Reportáž Kenya 3.8. – 9.8.2009

Jiří Pergl, Podnikatel, Česká republika

Jiří Pergl je amatérský cestovatel, člověk, jehož nejlépe vystihuje slovo dobrodruh! Je pro mě ale také osobnost plná protikladů a mnohdy i dodnes nepochopených činů. Naštěstí se ale jedná o činy kladné, záslužné a někdy až dojemné. A právě jedním z nich jsou i jeho aktivity směrem k africkým dětem z Keni, jejichž osudy stojí na hranici zájmu společnosti. Dnes vám přinášíme první jeho vyprávění, které jsme se rozhodli neupravovat a nechat takzvaně v původním znění. Možná právě proto, abyste pochopili i jeho osobnost skrze řádky. Tento pán, kterému stojí v garáži dvě krásná červená Ferrari, si v jedné fázi svého života uvědomil, že na světě jsou i jiné věci než závodní okruh, silné stroje a takzvaný životní styl. Jeho dřívější zájmy jsou tak vzdálené současným aktivitám, že ho řadím mezi lidi s největším kontrastem osobních činností, jaké jsem kdy poznal. Přeji jemu i jeho nadaci co nejvíce splněných cílů. Adolf Zika WEEK OF LIFE

V lednu 2009 jsem s kamarádem Danem Ručkalem uskutečnil již pátou expedici do Keni, Ugandy a Tanzanie. Poznali jsme tam spoustu nových přátel, krásy, ale i mnoho smutku, bídy a utrpení. To největší utrpení, které jsem viděl, bylo v Keni ve městě Nanyuki, když jsem zavítal do místních slumů a navštívil dětský domov, kde žijí děti postižené nemocí AIDS. Na základě této zkušenosti jsem spolu s paní Hellen, ředitelkou tamního dětského domova, založil charitativní organizaci s názvem ONE MORE DAY FOR CHILDREN (OMDC), která je posvěcená keňskou vládou. Stejnou organizaci jsem po návratu založil i v České republice. Hlavním cílem organizace je pomoc dětem trpícím hladomorem a nemocí AIDS, které žijí ve slumech v provincii národního parku Mount Kenya a města Dolodol.

Po uplynutí 5 měsíců jsem se rozhodl do Keni opět vrátit a jak svými finančními prostředky, tak prostředky vybranými při různých charitativních činnostech OMDC jsme odjeli pomoci již zmíněným dětem. Odjeli? Ano, přidal se ke mě nový člen – Jaroslav Tarczal, majitel restaurace U Zelených ve městě Beroun, který viděl můj dokumentární film, který jsem v únoru natočil a rozhodl se odjet do Keni se mnou. Nebyl jediný, na koho dokument silně zapůsobil. Mnoho lidí se po jeho prezentaci v Čechách rozhodlo také pomoci a přispět různými dary.

Tato cesta do vnitra Keni měla za cíl jediné – doručit finanční dary organizace ONE MORE DAY FOR CHILDREN tam, kde jich bylo nejvíce potřeba.

3.8. Nairobi

Po nočním příletu do Nairobi pro nás přijel ve starém Suzuki Vitara kamarád našich keňských přátel Patricka a Cyruse a odvezl nás na můj oblíbený Hotel Central Park, který se nachází v centru té horší části Nairobi. Je v něm zajištěná ostraha, večeře, postel a teplá sprcha. Víc v Keni nepotřebujete. Cena za pokoj se pohybuje podle sezony – od 50 USD do 100 USD na noc za dvoulůžkový pokoj.

Již v Čechách jsme spolu s Cyrusem a Patrickem objednali auto na dobu, kterou v Keni strávíme. V zimě jsem jim totiž zařídil pasy, víza a pozvánku, aby mohli na 3 měsíce přiletět do Čech. Po celou dobu pobytu jsem byl jejich hostitelem a seznamoval je s úplně jiným životem, než je ten v Keni. Z Čech odlétali 2.8. a ve stejný den jsme se vypravili na cestu i já s Jaroslavem Tarczalem.

V 9 hodin ráno přijel Sam a pomohl nám vyřídit zapůjčení auta Toyota Prado 4×4. Cena na 1 den se pohybuje kolem 4 000 Kč (216 USD), což se může zdát drahé, ale opravdu se vyplatí do dražšího automobilu investovat vzhledem k policejním kontrolám za městem, které zastavují každé horší auto a vždy na něm najdou něco špatného, aby z vás dostali nějaký ten šilink. Navíc cesty v Keni včetně jejich tradičních “zpomalováků” jsou v takovém stavu, že po 100km musíte vyhledat nejbližší servis kvůli utrhlému výfuku, v horším případě nápravě. Šetřit se tedy vážně nevyplatí.

Po vyřízení všech náležitostí jsme odjeli za Dr. Martinem, který na nás již čekal v nemocnici. Když jsem Dr. Martina, který se zabývá léčbou pacientů s HIV a AIDS navštívil v lednu, měl ve svém programu na záchranu těhotných matek s virem HIV 537 těhotných žen a 137 dětí. Dnes nám oznámil, že v současné době má již 1680 HIV pozitivních matek a 589 pozitivních dětí. Úplně nás z této informace zamrazilo. Darovali jsme mu tedy utišující léky a antibiotika, které jsme dovezli z Čech a také finanční obnos na jídlo pro pacienty, jelikož jak Dr. Martin stále opakuje – když pacient bere léky na HIV, žaludek to bez jídla nezvládá. Od ledna mu již 30% pacientů zemřelo na podvýživu.

Naše další cesta vedla na letiště, jelikož ve 13 hod přilétali Patrick a Cyrus, kteří letěli jinou linkou než my. Přivítání od jejich rodin bylo famózní, na každého čekalo kolem 30 lidí. Já jsem však musel vyřizovat něco jiného. V Čechách jsme totiž klukům zabalili do kufrů hračky pro děti z dětského domova v Nanyuki. Celníkům se to však nelíbilo a chtěli po nich, aby za ty hračky, knihy a ostatní věci zaplatili clo. To se mi samozřejmě nelíbilo, tak jsem na nich požadoval vysvětlení, jak si vůbec můžou dovolit zadržet hračky, které jsou určené jejich dětem, umírajícím na AIDS. A kromě toho se jednalo o hračky již použité. Nakonec jsem si nechal zavolat šéfa celníků a ostrahy. Po nekonečném dohadování rozhodli, že nás nechají s těmi kufry jít. Stejně si mě pak ale vzali stranou a musel jsem něco zaplatit. Keňa je svou korupcí vyhlášená.

Po konzultaci s paní Hellen jsem se rozhodl, že z vybraných peněz OMDC dětem koupíme TV plasmu. DVD přehrávač a pohádky jsme přivezli z Čech. Děti v dětském domově v Nanyuki nikdy žádnou pohádku neviděli a vůbec netušili, co to vlastně je.

4.8. Cesta do Nanyuki

Po probuzení a snídani na hotelu jsme naložili všechny kufry a televizi do Toyoty a vyrazili směr Nanyuki. Cesta do Nanyuki trvá přibližně 4 hodiny. Zde v Keni se vzdálenosti neberou na km, nýbrž na hodiny. Silnice jsou zde ve velmi katastrofálním stavu, proto průměrná rychlost auta nevystoupá na více než 50km/h. V polovině cesty nás ale čekalo to nejdůležitější. Nákup jídla pro děti. Obrovský africký trh s jídlem se nachází v půli cesty ve městě Karatina. Bylo potřeba nakoupit mouku, cukr, kukuřici, mrkev, hlávkové zelí, fazole, zelené fazolky, olej, prášek na praní, rajčata, cibuli, brambory, apod. Celkem toho bylo půl tuny.

Po domluvě nám dva místní kluci nakoupené jídlo uprostřed trhu hlídali a dva ho nosili. Docela se nadřeli, např. se 130 kg brambor. Vzhledem k celkovému množství a objemu jídla bylo zapotřebí objednat pickup taxi, jelikož do naší plně naložené Toyoty by se to už v žádném případě nevešlo.

Před příjezdem do domova bylo zapotřebí ještě nadrtit kukuřici, ze které se spolu s dalšími ingrediencemi vyrábí kaše. V Nanyuki jsme vyhledali drtičku a nakoupenou kukuřici nadrtili.

Děti v Nanyuki už o nás věděly, takže nás čekal řev na uvítanou a ohromná radost, které si v ničem nezadají ani s příjezdem Baracka Obami do Keni. Obami si tu všichni velmi považují a jsou hrdí na to, že se jeden z nich stal prezidentem USA.

Radost v dětských očích byla nepopsatelná. Je samozřejmé, že byly z jídla nadšené, ale asi největší radost měly, když jsme do společenské místnosti v dětském domově začali nosit kufry plné hraček. Museli jsme také okamžitě vyndat velkou plazmovou televizi, a přestože jsme ji měli zabalenou ve spacím pytli, bylo od dětí slyšet tývý, tývý. Hellen jim poté oznámila, že jsme z České republiky, přivezli jsme jim jídlo, dárky, sladkosti a také jedno překvapení. Děti společně s Hellen a ostatními členy personálu dětského domova začali zpívat a tancovat africké lidové písničky. Takovou radost si nikdo z nás nedokáže představit a kdo neviděl, nepochopí. Musím přiznat, že jsem měl v očích slzy štěstí.

Reportáž Kenya – II. díl

Týdny Jiřího Pergla

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

We perceive the overwhelming majority of cameras as sensitive devices that need to be handled with due care because unfavorable conditions such as humidity or dust are usually not tolerated by the electronics and the fine mechanics of cameras. But there are exceptions – the so-called outdoor devices – designed to withstand relatively rough conditions.

There are not many tough digital cameras on the market, but Olympus has quite a tradition in this segment. The newest model, the “mju” – μ TOUGH-6010 – is characterized by the following basic parameters: waterproof up to 3m depth, shockproof to a fall from a height of 1.5m, and freeze-proof with the ability to operate in temperatures of down to -10°C.

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

Aside from resilience, the main features of its photographic equipment should be noted. Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 is a 12 Mpx camera equipped with a 3.6 wide-angle optics 28–102 mm F3.5–5.1. Images and video sequences are stored on a xD-Picture Card memory cards (or MicroSD cards using the standard supplied adapter).
The device is conceived as a pocket camera. With a width of less than one hundred millimeters, it will certainly not be in your way; just as with a weight of 170 g it will definitely not make a hole in your pocket.

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010
Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 –in short
Resolution 12 Mpx, sensor stabilization
Optics 28–102 mm
Video VGA (640 × 480 px)
Resistance 3 m submersion/1,5 m drop

Even though this is a tough camera, don’t expect a design resembling medieval armor – at first glance it seems like an ordinary digital compact. Nearly none of the control elements differ particularly from other compact cameras; the one exception is the so-called hidden function Tap Control, which enables the user to operate basic functions (flash, macro, browsing) by tapping on the edges of the camera. What is it good for? One example would be when scuba diving in neoprene gloves, which would make it impossible to press the fine buttons on the body of the mju.

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

The lens of the camera is encased – when turned on, it does not slide out – thus the depth of the device stays the same. Looking at the main circular select switch on the back suggests that it is a full-automatic camera fitted with the common motif programs, in this case completed with several regimes of underwater photography – see menu examples below.
This camera can be purchased in one of three combinations of black sides and a color front panel.

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010
Super features
Waterproof, shockproof, freezeproof
Wide-angle lens
Pocket size
Tap control

A special feature of this Olympus is the regime Beauty, intended mainly for portraits. Beauty smoothes skin, adds a spark in the eyes, and widens them for a more dramatic look. These effects can also be activated afterward when browsing photographs in the camera..

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

An experienced user will detect resistance to water and dust with a glance at the casings of the camera. The bottom – proper metal, worth noting – cover of the battery space and memory card, as well as the smaller side cover of the communication port are fitted with sealing, which prevents the access of undesirable matters.

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

As a camera for adventurous journeys, Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 is equipped with a small LED lamp, which can be found next to the flash lamp. You can turn on the LED light anytime using the DISP button on the back side, and it is activated automatically in the Super Macro LED regime. Thanks to the fact that the angle of light is directed to the left to the lens this “battery” may also serve as additional lighting for macro photography.

Camera Menu – Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010
Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 Olympus μ TOUGH-6010

Overall evaluation

Photographs taken with Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 excel with a correct color scheme with a slight shift towards pleasant hues, the sensor system has a solid dynamic range; the photographs are rarely burned. The twelve megapixel resolution verges towards co-operation with the optics – to keep maximum quality it is better to reduce the resolution in the menu to 5 Mpx. This also effectively suppresses noise with higher sensitivity.
The durable construction naturally makes Olympus μ TOUGH-6010 a camera for truly everyday use in nearly any conditions.

Common price (at the time of this review’s publication): £299.99, $488, 300

Basic technical data for Olympus μ TOUGH-6010


CCD 1/2,33″
12 Mpx (3 968 × 2 976 px)
Sensitivity ISO 64 to 1 600
Stabilized sensor


28–102 mm F3,5–5,1

Memory medium

xD-Picture Card, MicroSD

Datova formats

Image: JPEG
Video: AVI


640 × 480 px, 30 fps (max. 10 s of recording)
640 × 480 px, 15 fps (up to full capacity of card)
320 × 240 px, 30 fps (up to full capacity of card)
Mono sound


Screen size 2,7“ (69 mm)
230 000 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight

95 × 63 × 24 mm (w × h × d)
170 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus Foto Olympus
Foto Olympus

Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR

There are hundreds of types of compact digital cameras on the market and many are like peas in a pod. None the less, it is possible to find interesting items in manufaturers’ selections, even though they may look very inconspicuous at first glance. This is exactly the case with the Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR.

This camera, which can be purchased optionally either in a full-silver or silver-black high-gloss coated finish, indeed looks like any common digital camera, but several important differences must be noted. Disregarding the 10x zoom with a wide-angle opening, which is a feature we are beginning to slowly get accustomed to even with such small compacts, the determining factor for the FinePix F70 is primarily the abbreviation EXR in its name.

Foto: Fujifilm Foto: Fujifilm

That’s because the FinePix F70 is equipped with a Super CCD EXR sensor from the same brand, which unlike common chips not only has cells in the shape of an octagon, but above all is able to work in one of three operating regimes. In HR mode (High Resolution) it photographs with an emphasis on capturing the smallest details in the image, in the DR regime (Wide Dynamic Range) it balances out high light differences in scenes with high contrast and finally in SN mode(High Sensitivity and Low Noise) it creates images even in poor lighting without any disturbing noise. It’s worth noting that even though the DR and SN regimes operate with half the sensor system resolution, i.e. 5 Mpx, the results are excellent.

Foto: Fujifilm

Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR – in short
Resolution 10 Mpx, stabilized sensor
Optics 27–270 mm
Video VGA (640 × 480 px)

FinePix F70 allows the user to activate EXR regimes either manually or leave the choice up to automatic, which according to the character and lighting of the photographed scene selects the correct HR, DR or SN mode. It is also possible to use this camera in common program automatic mode and a fully manual exposition regime is also available, although it is limited—with only two available f-stops.

Foto: Fujifilm Foto: Fujifilm

A special feature of Fujifilm is the F button on the back side that provides access to a simplified menu, which, among other things, offers to set a type of “film” that is a simulation of a specific film material, naturally from Fujifilm. You can thus choose standard Provia, rich images à la Fujifilm Velvia or a soft rendering, imitating the Astia film. Other than that, it’s of course possible to select sepia or black and white photography.

Super Features
10x wide-angle zoom
Elegant design and pocket size
Image stabilization

Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR is also one of the smallest digital cameras with a 10x lens. A pleasant discovery is the wide-angle (27 mm) opening of the optics, which enables the user to fit wider space in the shot and or use the perspective of the wide focus.

Foto Fujifilm Foto Canon Foto Fujifilm

You will know at once that the optics of the FinePix F70 EXR is not quite ordinary when you turn on the camera. Whereas when turned off, the lens, protected by an automatic multi-plate cover, is entirely encased in the camera body, when turned on it slides out and nearly doubles the depth of the body. The lens barrel extends even further once you zoom to maximum focal length of 270 mm using the lever by the shutter release.

Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm

Overall evaluation

Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR is an elegant compact camera, which provides an above average quality of image output. Thanks to EXR technology, the developers managed in particular to significantly reduce the noise with higher sensitivity, which is generally a big problem with compact digital cameras. But with FinePix F70 EXR you really don’t have to hesitate to photograph using ISO 800 or even ISO 1,600 and don’t have to worry about creating images degraded by noise. In this case it is necessary to realize that the creators of Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR were not afraid to reduce the resolution to half (two cells of the sensor are used to create one pixel). After all, five megapixels is still a large quantity of image data for a common photo amateur. And what’s better – high resolution photographs with noise or a reasonable number of pixels at high quality?

Common price (at the time of this review’s publication): 6,900 Kč

Basic technical data for Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR

Fujifilm FinePix F70 EXR

Super CCD EXR 1/2″
10 Mpx (3 616 × 2 712 px)
Sensitivity ISO 100 až 1 600 (in Auto regime up to ISO 12 800)
Stabilized sensor


27–270 mm F3,3–5,6

Memory medium

Internal memory 47 MB

Data formats

Image: JPEG
Video: AVI


640 × 480 px, 30 fps
320 × 240 px, 30 fps
Mono sound


Screen size 2.7” (69 mm)
230 000 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight

99 × 59 × 23 mm (w × h × d)
200 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm

Pojďte se seznámit, Zdeněk Dvořák!

Zdeněk Dvořák, Speciální pedagog, Česká republika

Fotografie Zdeňka Dvořáka se dají nejjednodušším způsobem popsat jako absolutní oslava obyčejného života. Obyčejnost ale v tomto případě vytlačuje atmosféra, která číší z jeho obrázků. Ta atmosféra, která jasně demonstruje, že žádný život není obyčejný pokud se žije naplno a s chutí. Jsme moc rádi, že právě autora tohoto fotografického stylu můžeme přivítat v premiérovém rozhovoru nové rubriky Mistři Week Of Life.

Kdy jste se poprvé seznámil s médiem zvaným fotografie? A jak se vlastně vyvíjí Váš vztah k fotografii? Jste amatér, či poloprofesionál?

Médium zvané fotografie mě obklopovalo od útlého dětství. Táta měl malinkatou fotokomoru a fotografie si zpracovával sám. Ještě před revolucí mohl jezdit do Švýcarska ke své sestře jen táta a večery při promítání diapozitivů té neuvěřitelně krásné země si pamatuji dodnes. Ty vzpomínky mám v paměti téměř 25 let a jako by to bylo včera. Na tehdejší dobu měl skvělou výbavu, a to Prakticu MTL 3 se třemi skly. To byl před více jak deseti lety i můj první opravdový fotoaparát. Fotografie se stala během těch let součástí mého já a nedokáži si již život bez pohledu skrze hledáček představit. Miluji dokumentární fotografii ( hlavně blízkého okolí ) a tak i tento projekt je mi velmi blízký. Mám živnost na fotografické služby, kdy s tátou dokumentujeme svatby. Na uživení to není a občas mě ten papír štve, ale nemohu si dovolit fotografovat bez něj. Nejdříve to byly svatby známých a pak svatby jejich známých a to je velké riziko. Tuto činnost využívám jako možnost získávání lepší techniky pro mé volnočasové fotografování a právě má volná tvorba mi dává smysl. Takže to označení poloprofesionál je asi nejvhodnější zařazení.

Jaké je vaše povolání, koníčky a jak velkou máte rodinu?

Mým povoláním je speciální pedagogický vychovatel. Cesta k této práci vedla přes 5 let studia oboru cukrář a poté nastoupením na náhradní vojenskou službu. 18 měsíců jsem pracoval jako pomocník v domově pro mentálně postižené v hospodářství, kde se provozovala hipoterapie. Právě těch 18 měsíců mi dalo směr pracovní i fotografický. Koníčky jsou kromě focení rodina, naše zvířata a další drobnější volnočasové aktivity. Já i manželka pocházíme z velkých rodin. Právě rodina mé ženy (Prčíkovi) je zatím můj nejrozsáhlejší fotografický dokument. Máme čtyřletého syna Zdeňka.

Kde jste se poprvé seznámil s projektem Week Of Life a jaký byl Váš první pocit?

Před pár měsíci mi odkaz na tento projekt poslal kamarád a poté jsem jej viděl v několika dalších médiích. Je to výjimečný projekt. Mám za sebou úspěšnou účast v projektu 1DEN, obeslal jsem všechna kola projektu VIA LUCIS a tak je forma Week of Life zase něco nového a skvěle pojatého. Je úžasné, že z malé země, jakou ČR je, je veden tento celosvětový projekt.

Ve vašich fotografiích je cítit, že své prostředí dobře znáte, dovedete si představit, že byste fotografoval takto zblízka a pocitově intimně zcela neznámé prostředí? Pokud ano, jaké by vás nejvíce přitahovalo?

Přesně tak! Většina fotografií vzniká v prostředí mi velice dobře známém. Přímo v mém domově, v mém zaměstnání či u rodičů mojí ženy. Zrovna u Prčíkových už fotodokumentace trvá třetím rokem a když nemám fotoaparát, dělají si ze mě legraci 🙂 Přiznám se, že známost prostředí kde fotím tvoří velkou část úspěchu. Cizí prostředí by mě lákalo někde v zahraničí. Mým snem jsou ulice New Yorku či Tokia.

Jak sám říkáte, zažil jste ještě klasickou fotografii. Ale přijal jste za svou i digitální fotografii. Co si myslíte, že světu dala a co vzala?

Analogová fotografie je skvělá. Hlavně klasický černobílý film je dle mého názoru i v dnešní době stále nepřekonaný. Můj kamarád Petr Vokurek stále dělá doma fotografie na baryt ručně a mít možnost si tu fotku podržet, pohladit ten papír a vidět to zrno je zážitek. Obdobný zážitek jsem nedávno zažil při předání fotografií mistra Štreita na výstavu ve Znojmě. Jenže času je málo a tak jsem se k této mistrovské práci nikdy nedostal, i když prsty jsem si ve vývojce máchal jednu dobu často. Digitální fotografie umožňuje okamžitou odezvu, možnost nových pohledů a experimentů. Myslím, že spousta fotografií zachycujících jedinečné momenty by při práci s filmem v nekomerčních podmínkách nevznikla. Myslím, že absolutní profi špička digitální techniky už asi překračuje možnosti filmu a těším se na dobu, kdy si nastavím iso 6400 či vyšší a budu moci fotit své momenty ze života bez jakýchkoliv ohledů na kvalitu při špatném osvětlení.

Proč si myslíte, že by lidé měli přispět do projektu, jako je WOL? Proč by měli ukázat své soukromí?

Jak je psáno v propozicích, ukažme, co chceme. Před lety si prý mámy na vesnici, když uviděli člověka s aparátem, utíkali pro slavnostní zástěru a dětem pro svetřík do kostela, aby na fotografii vypadaly dobře. Nyní se každý uzavírá za vysoké ploty do soukromí a i sousedé si jsou často cizí. Zato své soukromí řeší například na Facebooku s cizími lidmi. Proč lidé cestují přes půl světa? Aby poznali jiný kraj i jiné lidi. Tímto celosvětovým projektem jim můžeme ukázat kousek sebe nejen pohledem na svět skrze hledáček, ale i kousek svého života, který žijeme ve svém okolí.

Kde je podle Vás v projektu jako je tento hranice mezi zdravým přínosem věci a exhibicionismem?

Jak už jsem psal, ukažme to, co chceme. Každý jsme nějaký a buď ukážeme kousek sebe, a nebo ne. Poslední půl rok se snažím zachytit syna v pohledech, které by měly zaujmout nejen blízkou rodinu. Může mi to být vytčeno, že fotím svoji rodinu, ale tu znám přeci nejlépe a tak se to snažím dostat i do fotografií. Samozřejmě není cílem ukázat to, že moje dítě je to nejkrásnější na světě, jaké máme auto či to, že manželka má nejhezčí poprsí ve městě. Jak jsem viděl v některých příspěvcích, je možné, aby fotograf neukázal téměř nic ze svého imtimna, ale třeba záběry na cestě do zaměstnání, volný čas a jiné. Zase v některých příspěvcích jsem viděl toho exhibicionismu až moc…

Když se podíváte kolem sebe na světové fotografické soutěže, co vidíte? Jak na vás působí fotky a témata, která jim vévodí?

Sleduji soutěže jako jsou např. World Press Photo. Poslední vítěz s tématem exekuce mě velice zaujal a tématicky tato fotka sedí pro celý svět. Často se objevují fotografie na téma války a lidského utrpení, což je samozřejmě součástí našeho světa, ale chvílemi mě připadá, že snad na polovině naší planety se neděje nic jiného. Tématicky mě vždy zajímají lidé a jejich přirozené prostředí v jejich běžném životě. V tomto směru mě např. v soutěži Czech Press Photo oslovil celkový vítěz z roku 2003 Ibra Ibrahimovič se souborem Příběh sedláka Rajtera.

Kam myslíte, že se bude vyvíjet médium fotografie?

Bude se stávat médiem, které se stane součástí každodenního života. Již dnes se téměř nevyrábí telefony bez fotoaparátu. Bude možnost zaznamenávat téměř vše, ale zároveň si lidé budou své soukromí více bránit. Nevýhodou asi bude, že ne každý kdo bude mít fotoaparát bude i fotografem. Stále bude potřeba se vzdělávat a mít pro fotku cit. Výhodou je to, že se kvalita fotografické techniky neustále zlepšuje a přitom cena klesá dolů. Stává se tím velmi dostupným médiem.

Co je podle Vás opravdové soukromí člověka, to, které by se nemělo propírat žádnými médii?

To by měla být otázka pro každého z nás. Někdo nedopustí, aby si někdo přes plot vyfotil jeho nádhernou skalku s trpaslíkem před domem. Někdo s poklidem a radostí prezentuje na internetu videa z intimního života. Pro každého je ta hranice jiná. Musíme např. přemýšlet, jestli fotka našeho dítěte, které si hraje nahé v bazénu nezneužije nějaký pedofil a podobně. Tuto hranici si musí stanovit každý sám. Já se nebojím prezentovat moji rodinu kolem sebe formou fotografie, ale rozhodně bych v životě nepřipustil účast moji či mé rodiny v nějaké reality show. Právě tyto programy berou dle mého nejvíce soukromí.

Týdny Zdeňka Dvořáka

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1

Given that in our review, we declared the Olympus Pen E-P1 a legend the moment it was introduced, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 can be labeled ‘another one’. Actually, it is a direct competitor to the Olympus and as a matter of fact, only the second model of this new concept of professional compacts with exchangeable optics.

The Lumix DMC-GH1 followed the Olympus, however, and for the sake of accuracy it must be noted that Panasonic was the first manufacturer to use the Mirco 4/3 standard, which includes both the Olympus Pen as well as the Lumix GF1, with the introduction of the Lumix DMC-G1 and GH1 models. However, these cameras remind us too much of reflex cameras and represent a rather different development branch of the Micro 4/3 standard.

Foto: Panasonic Foto: Panasonic

Whereas Olympus went retro with its Pen, the Panasonic kept Lumix GF1 has a typical austere design, though livened up with an unusually large choice of colors. Apart from the undifferentiated black or silver, you can choose red or white finish for the metal coated body.

Foto: Panasonic

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 – in short
Resolution 12 Mpx
Optics depending on the lens
Video HD (1,280 × 720 px)

Another point of comparison between the Lumix GF1 and the Olympus Pen, is that the dimensions are nearly the same, that is, if we ignore the fact that the body of the Lumix is three millimeters shorter. The weight of the Panasonic is a twenty or thirty grams lighter than the Pen, however, if you weigh both cameras with mounted Pancake lenses, you will find that the scales balance out (the Lumix lens is heavier). With respect to size and weight it is thus a camera that ranks on the border between compact devices and amateur reflex cameras.

Foto: Panasonic Foto: Panasonic

Because it is a state of the art device for demanding users, the top and especially the back side of the Lumix GF1 carry a rather considerable number of control elements. In this respect, the camera is comparable to reflex cameras, which of course applies also to control comfort, as many important functions have their own control elements for direct access.
Praise should be given to the LCD display. The resolution of 460 thousand pixels is highly above standard and the LCD demonstrates this right away. In particular, the sharpness and fine detail rendering are excellent. With this display you will easily detect even a slightly blurred image.

Foto Panasonic Foto Panasonic

Panasonic equipped its professional compact Lumix GF1 with what many critics reproach Olympus Pen for – a built-in flash and an option to mount an electronic viewfinder. At first sight this may seem an obvious advantage, however both have their pros and cons. First, the pop-up flash is very weak. The output expressed with the informative figure GN6 is sufficient for a reach of literally only a few meters, and only with a low aperture set. The flash cannot be meaningfully used for clearing shadows in daylight because it does not enable high-speed synchronization – the shortest available time is 1/180 s.
Regarding the external viewfinder mounted to the flash hot shoe on the Lumix GF1, this has the definite advantage of working with any lens; it is able to ‘screen’ many exposition details including the histogram, among others, and it is possible to tilt the viewfinder up to 90 degrees. Disadvantages include a rather low resolution of approximately 200 thousand pixels, small enlargement (image size), and last but not least a price of $900.

Foto Panasonic

Super features
Top image quality
Color finish of the body
Option to use EVF viewfinder
Good selection of optics

As mentioned earlier, Panasonic was in fact the first company that introduced devices of the Micro 4/3 standard to the market. With this also comes a larger selection of lenses compared to Olympus. Panasonic has in its portfolio not only standard zoom but also tele zoom, macro lens, wide zoom, and 10x zoom. Both brands are in terms of the Micro 4/3 standard mutually compatible, thus it is possible to use optics from both brands. Moreover, there exist various adapters for the Micro 4/3 cameras that allow the use of other lenses, perhaps even the legendary optics Leica M. In the context of Lumix GF1 optics, another difference from Olympus Pen E-P1 should be noted. Whereas Pen is equipped with a stabilized sensor in the body – that is, a universal solution thanks to which vibration is smoothed down with any mounted lens, Lumix uses stabilization in optics. Thus if a lens does not have Mega O.I.S. stabilizer (e.g. Lumix G 20 mm F1,7), you must rely on a firm grip or shorter shutter speeds..

Screenshots of the menu of Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1

Foto Panasonic Foto Panasonic Foto Panasonic
Foto Panasonic Foto Panasonic Foto Panasonic

Overall evaluation

Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 is an excellent device for demanding photographers, which, just as its sole competitor, Olympus Pen, offers the quality of a reflex camera in the body of a slightly larger compact camera. The option of changing lenses is of course priceless, handling is comfortable, and the device has a high-speed response during automatic focusing and capturing.

Common price (at the time of this review’s publication):
Kit including Lumix G Vario 14–45 mm F3.5–5.6 lens: $900
Kit including Lumix G 20 mm F1.7 lens: $900
Electronic viewfinder DMW-LVF1: $197

Basic technical data


Live MOS 17.3 × 13 mm
12 Mpx (4,000 × 3,000 px)
Sensitivity ISO 100 to 3,200


Depending on the lens

Memory medium


Data formats

Image: JPEG, RAW


1.280 × 720 px, 25/30 fps
848 × 480 px, 30 fps
640 × 480 px, 30 fps
320 × 240 px, 30 fps
Mono sound


Screen size 3” (76 mm)
460,000 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight (body only)

119 × 71 × 35 mm (w × h × d)
345 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm Foto Fujifilm
Foto Fujifilm

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20

There are many photographers, who get along with a lens with a fixed focal length, but many people prefer zoom lenses – lenses with a variable focal length. And quite a few users love the so-called wide-range zooms, which can “zoom” ten times and more.

The so-called ultra-zoom category of digital cameras has a 10× and higher range of zoom and is divided into two sub-categories. One includes “large” ultra-zooms, which look like a small reflex camera and are equipped with an electronic viewfinder and optics with a range of up to an impressive 24×. The second sub-category lines up the more or less pocket ultra-zooms without a viewfinder (that have only the backside LCD display) with the standard 10× optics range. Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 belongs to the cameras of the latter category.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20

Sony designers have given this camera a purely functional design without unnecessary excesses. The dominant feature of the right side of the device in black “photographic color” is a rather large grip – a handle for better grasp. With a camera with a zoom range of 38 – 380 mm, a firm grip is a prerequisite for sharp images even though the camera does come equipped with an effective optical stabilizer. Sony H20 does not disappoint in this respect – even when ‘zooming’ out to 380 mm, when you pull in very distant objects with the zoom, the images taken are very sharp, without shake or blur.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 – in short
Resolution 10 Mpx
Optics 38–380 mm, stabilization
Video HD (1 280 × 720 px)

On the other hand, you might miss the option of a wide angle image. Thirty-eight millimeters of zoom for the H20 can be considered normal rather than a wide angle view.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20

Sony H20 is not a large camera – it will not fit in your shirt pocket but can be managed with a small bag. It can even fit in the pocket of a pair of pants.

Super features
Wide range zoom
Smile Shutter – automatic capturing when it recognizes a smile
Quality photo and video

The lens is not equipped with an automatic multi-plate cover but you will find a classic mounting cover with a strap in the kit. The built-in flash, which is rather powerful for its class, is designed as tilting. If you have it enabled in the menu, the flash will automatically open when the light is low.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 is conceived primarily as an automatic digital camera with the option of user influence on the basic parameters, such as correction of exposure, sensitivity, white balance, focus method, etc. However, you will also find an M in the top round mode control – manual mode for experienced photographers. This mode has one drawback, though, whereas exposure times can be manually set in the whole range (30 s up to 1/2 000 s), the shutter can only be operated in two settings – fully opened or fully closed.

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20
Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20

The device is equipped with several interesting functions. Face detection has become common these days, but with Sony H20 it is complemented with smile detection (which can be set in three intensities – see menu examples). How does it work? You activate the so-called Smile shutter using a button on the top side below the main power switch and point the camera at the person being photographed. The device itself will find the face and as soon as the person in the shot smiles, it will automatically – without you having to press the trigger – take a photograph. Tested in practice – it really works.

Overall evaluation

In spite of the fact that Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H20 looks at first glance like one of many common digital compacts, it is a camera which provides excellent image quality. Sony used several technologies for image processing, which originate from advanced reflex cameras, and this can be seen in the photographs. The images have good depth; the color scheme is rather moderate – H20 definitely does not suffer from over-saturation of photographs.
Operating the camera is not difficult and is based on common existing standards. The camera is quite fast for its class, which will be apparent to users mainly with the agile automatic focusing. Sony H20 can be recommended both to absolute beginners as well as to more experienced photographers.

Common price (at the time of this review’s publication): $349

Basic technical data


CCD 1/2.3″
10 Mpx (3,648 × 2,736 px)
Sensitivity ISO 80 to 3,200


38–380 mm F3.5–4.4
Optical stabilization

Memory medium

Memory Stick Duo, PRO Duo, PRO-HG Duo

Data formats

Image: JPEG
Video: MP4


1,280 × 720 px, 30 fps
640 × 480 px, 30 fps
Mono sound


Screen size 3” (76 mm)
230,400 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight

107 × 69 × 47 mm (w × h × d)
280 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Canon Digital IXUS 200 IS

Only demanding photographers are willing to carry around heavy equipment. The common user prefers smaller and lighter devices, which can be carried around in a small bag. And if a camera is literally pocket-sized, has an attractive design and interesting functions, its success on the market is guaranteed. This is all true of the Canon Digital IXUS 200 IS.

The IXUS line of digital cameras by Canon has always been popular with people who notice and appreciate interesting design. This holds true for the newest model, the IXUS 200 IS, as well. The oblong flat body with round edges is, to a large degree, metal-coated. You can choose from a selection of four colors: gold, silver, light blue and violet. Anthracite black sides elegantly contrast with the high glossy silver rim around the lens.

Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon

The camera has dimensions comparable to a common mobile phone. In the switched off mode, the lens is entirely hidden in the body of the camera and is automatically protected by a multi-plate cover, so, in fact, nothing prevents carrying an IXUS 200 IS in one’s pocket.

This pocket jewel does not lack, however, for photographic equipment. The device is equipped with a 12Mpx sensor, which may be too much for most users, but this resolution does make it possible to work with greater cutouts from images and do other similar tasks.

Canon IXUS 200 IS – in short
Resolution 12 Mpx
Optics 24–120 mm, stabilization
Video HD (1 280 × 720 px)

The optics of this camera are well worth noting. Canon used a 5x zoom with a range of 24–120 mm. You can therefore work with a wide-angle image of 24 mm, helpful for example when taking photographs indoors but also for wide landscapes. The “long” end of the zoom 120 mm is ideal for creating portraits of your close ones and friends.

Super Features
Touch screen
Wide-angle lens
Pocket size
Attractive design

The lens is also equipped with a stabilizer, which greatly reduces the risk of capturing blurry images, even in poor light conditions.

Foto Canon Foto Canon

Examining the top and back side of IXUS 200 IS reveals an unusually small number of controls. On the top side you will find only the shutter button with a zoom lever, a small main power switch and a mode selector on the left. The back side includes a large display, two sizeable buttons and a four-way select switch. Canon thoroughly uses all positions to assign direct access to selected functions, thereby eliminating the need for at least four buttons.

Foto Canon Foto Canon

But the other, more significant reason for the austere equipment is the use of a touch screen. While taking photographs you can select the program or scene mode, flash setting and exposure correction by tapping on the touch screen. The option to set a focus point is excellent—you simply point with your finger to the place you wish to focus and the rest will be taken care of by the camera. Even if you move the device slightly, the focus point will stay where you desire it. In viewing mode you can browse through the images by moving your finger across the screen, increase the image’s size by touch, play video sequences, etc. In addition, the IXUS 200 IS is equipped with a touch sensor, which not only automatically turns images on the display while you view them, but also enables you to move individual images while viewing them by moving the whole camera.

Foto Canon Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon Foto Canon
Super Features
Fast optics
Top image quality
Compact size

Overall evaluation

The Canon Digital IXUS 200 IS provides photographs with natural color rendition and renders excellent detail resolution and sharpness of image. You do not have to worry about unpleasant digital noise with this device—up to ISO 400 sensitivity the results are excellent, while at ISO 800 the noise distracts a little, we recommend using the highest sensitivity of ISO 1,600 only sporadically. The camera operates very well, the touch screen is a pleasant above-average feature, and there is a menu in a number of languages. The battery will provide for between 250 to 300 images. The price of more than eight thousand Crowns is rather high in the digital cameras category, but the elegant design (with the option of selecting color), pocket-size and excellent image quality account for the bump in price.

Common price (at the time of the review being published): $352

Basic technical data Canon Digital IXUS 200 IS


CCD 1/2,3″
12 Mpx (4 000 × 3 000 px)
Sensitivity ISO 80 to 1,600


24–120 mm F2.8–5.9
Optical stabilization

Memory medium


Data formats

Image: JPEG
Video: MOV


1 280 × 720 px, 30 fps
640 × 480 px, 30 fps
320 × 240 px, 30 fps
Mono sound


Screen size 3” (76 mm)
230 000 px
Touch screen

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight

100 × 54 × 23 mm (w × h × d)
150 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon Foto Canon
Foto Canon

Olympus Pen E-P1

It is easy to get the impression that what is here today may be gone tomorrow when confronted with the rapid evolution of digital photography equipment. But exceptions do exist, such as the Olympus Pen E-P1 which bares the symbol of an established immortal. What makes this camera so exceptional that it has earned a place in the hall of fame of digital cameras?

To answer this, we must first take a quick trip through the history of the Pen brand. Today’s digital model is a descendent of a long line of cameras with the same name, a name that first appeared exactly fifty years ago with the release of the first cine-film Pen in 1959. Over 17 million of these small agile reflex cameras of the so-called “half format” variety were sold worldwide. However, the digital Pen is not – as Olympus claims in its promotion material – a reflex camera, yet it is not a compact camera either. So you may wonder, what concept does this camera then represent?

Olympus PEN EP-1 Olympus PEN EP-1

The Olympus Pen E-P1 is a camera of the so-called Micro Four Third (or Micro 4/3) standard. It is specified by a sensor approximately one fourth the size of a cine-film field (17.3 × 13 mm), that is, a chip that is very similar to sensors found in Olympus and Panasonic reflex cameras. The difference is in a different bayonet lens mount. Unlike traditional reflex cameras, the Pen E-P1 has a different size, lens design, and is located closer to the sensor. Due to this precise fact, devices with the Micro 4/3 standard cannot be designed as reflex cameras – the mirror and other components simply do not fit in the small space between the bayonet and the sensor. However, this is not a mistake, but rather the intention of the creators of this new standard.

Olympus Pen E-P1 – in short
Resolution 12 Mpx, sensor stabilization
Optics depending on the lens
Video HD (1 280 × 720 px)

The goal was to reduce the size of traditional reflex cameras, while maintaining their excellent image capturing capabilities. This has been accomplished primarily with the use of a large sensor. Note that digital compacts have a sensor approximately 7 x 5 mm, often even smaller. By removing the mirror, the mechanical parts of the camera have been minimized resulting in a significant reduction in vibration during exposure.

Olympus PEN EP-1

The basic technical characteristic are as follows: The Olympus Pen E-P1 is a camera with a “reflex camera sensor,” exchangeable lenses, but unlike reflex cameras it is designed as a compact device without a viewfinder (even though the mountable viewfinder – as you will learn below – can be user in a limited extent). Even though, on photographs, Pen actually appears as a common compact, which was designed by the manufacturer in retro style, notice carefully its dimensions and, in particular, its weight. With regard to size and weight, Pen lies in-between reflex cameras and compacts.

Olympus PEN EP-1
Photo Olympus

The Pen body itself is manufactured in two versions, which differ in their surface finish. Other than the nearly classic design, which combines polished and ground metal coating on the surface with black complements, it is also possible to purchase a white-coated version with cream-colored parts. The image shows the white version of a Pen with an optional open leather case.

Olympus PEN EP-1

As mentioned earlier, the Olympus Pen E-P1 is “a compact camera with exchangeable lenses.” Because it is a system released only recently, at the moment there are only two lenses available from this brand. One is the basic zoom Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 14–42 mm F3.5–5.6, the other is a monofocal so-called “pancake” Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 17 mm F2.8. To get an idea of the angle of the image with relation to cine-film you have to multiply the focus of the Micro 4/3 system lens by two due to the smaller sensor. For example, 17mm M.Zuiko Digital corresponds roughly to the capturing angle of classic 35 mm cine-film.

Super Features
Top image quality
Retro design

Because the open Micro 4/3 standard is used not only by Olympus but also by Panasonic, you can also use lenses by this manufacturer for your Pen.

Olympus PEN EP-1 Olympus PEN EP-1

As mentioned earlier, the Olympus Pen does not have an optical or electronic viewfinder. However, if you photograph using the flat lens Olympus M.Zuiko Digital 17 mm F2.8, you can use the external viewfinder, which is part of the Pancake Kit. As you might notice, the manufacturer did not equip Pen with a built-in flash. If you need flash, you can opt for the Olympus FL-14, which was developed just for the Pen. The other external system flashes compatible with Olympus reflex cameras will work with the Pen as well.

Olympis PEN EP-1

Most of the control elements are located in the right back side of the camera. Notice here two non-traditionally designed but fully functional rollers/control wheels. This label is not accurate however, because the top one has the shape of a vertically oriented roller in the top right corner, the second roller then simulates the circle around the four-way select switch. For example, in the manual exposure mode you use one to set the aperture, the other to set the time, in other modes perhaps also aperture and exposure correction. In addition, it all depends on your user settings because the camera enables the photographer to redefine many functions according to his or her own needs.
Users of Olympus digital reflex cameras will be immediately familiar with the menu, as it is de-facto identical. This relates to the outstanding availability of functions, which is not lacking in such features as an electronic level, multiple exposure, or the option to join two images directly in the camera. Following the example of the new Olympus reflex cameras, the Pen is also equipped with the so-called ArtScenes – six motive programs, which quite significantly modify an image’s appearance. A few of these are the Camera Obscura, Pop-art and Grainy film.

Overall evaluation

The Olympus Pen E-P1 is an excellent camera for anyone who prefers the size and weight of digital reflex cameras but does not want to give up their high image quality. It represents an ideal companion for travel and for so-called street /report photography. It is less suitable for capturing quick action scenes such as in sports. The image quality is outstanding while the control and interface are intuitive and it has a menu in a number of languages.

Common price (at the time of this review being published)
Body only: $749, £599, €749
Kit including a 14–42 mm lens: $799, £699, €749
Kit including a 17 mm lens and optical viewfinder: $899, £749, €849
Kit including both lenses and viewfinder: $ TBC, £849, €949

Basic technical data


Live MOS 17.3 × 13 mm
12 Mpx (4,032 × 3,024 px)
Sensitivity ISO 100 Sensitivity 6,400
Stabilized sensor


According to lens

Memory medium


Data formats

Image: JPEG
Video: AVI


1,280 × 720 px, 30 fps
640 × 480 px, 30 fps
Stereo sound PCM/16bit, 44.1 kHz


Screen size 3” (76 mm)
230,000 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight (body only)

121 × 71 × 35 mm (w × h × d)
380 g (incl. battery and memory card)

Leica D-Lux 4

It is no coincidence that the historically first camera review on Week of Life introduces Leica D-Lux 4. Author of this project, Adolf Zika, himself captured his One Year of My Life using this camera. The majority of compact digital cameras represent simple automatic devices for a common user, one who requires a nice design, simple handling, and of course, good images. But even among pocket devices one can find models that could be labeled professional. The Leica D-Lux 4 belongs at the top of such models.

The austere shape of the metal coated black body of the Leica D-Lux 4 with the essential red round logo suggests at first glance that this is not just an ordinary camera. Experienced photographers also notice the hot shoe for external flash on top, which is another unmistakable sign of a state-of-the-art camera.

Leica D-Lux 4 Leica D-Lux 4

The Leica D-Lux 4 is truly a professional compact camera in all aspects. The optics—from the same brand of course—has a not-that-wide range of 24–60 mm, the shooting angles are set from a wide aperture to normal, however the lens speed of F2,0–2,8 is fantastic. Moreover, the lens is equipped with optical stabilization, so you can photograph even in very unfavorable light conditions.

Leica D-Lux 4 – in short
Resolution 10 Mpx
Optics 24–60 mm, stabilization
Video HD (1 280 × 720 px)

The D-Lux 4 is a camera equipped with all exposure regimes P/A/S/M plus common motive programs or full automatics. So even an absolute beginner will be able to handle the device. Besides the standard JPEG it is possible to store image data also in RAW, which enables more accurate and extensive computer modifications, which is a feature for more experienced photographers.

Leica D-Lux 4

Regarding dimensions and weight, the Leica D-Lux 4 does not deviate from the digital compacts class in any way. The construction leans slightly more towards design rather than ergonomics—the smooth body lacks distinct support for a firmer grip. However, Leica sells a small grip for the right side of the camera as an optional accessory.

Leica D-Lux 4 Leica D-Lux 4

The built-in flash is constructed as retractable and is operated by a small button on the top side of the device. You can also purchase an external flash Leica CF 22 with a higher output. The manufacturer used the surface along the perimeter of the lens ring interestingly—two sliding controllers are placed at this point. With the scroll bar on the left side you can quickly change the focus mode, using the top control you can easily change the image aspect ratio to one of the three options: 4:3, 3:2 or 16:9.

Super features
Fast optics
Top image quality
Compact dimensions
Olympis PEN EP-1

You can find more controls on the right of the back side of the Leica D-Lux 4. Apart from the standard buttons and a four-way select switch, an inconspicuous Q.MENU joystick is also located here, which can be used to enter and operate the so-called quick menu, which contains the most commonly used image parameters.

As a state-of-the-art camera, D-Lux 4 enables the display of a histogram. This device is supported in two regimes—realistic for image composition or preview for viewing already taken photographs. This regime also allows the display of an indication of overexposed parts of images.

Leica D-Lux 4 Leica D-Lux 4
Photo Leica

Photographers, who have not gotten used to the method of composing images using the LCD display—despite having an excellent resolution of 460 000 image points and thus providing an outstanding image—can opt for an optional accessory, which is offered by Leica, an external optical viewfinder, which is placed in the hot shoe. But you must take into account that the viewfinder is monofocal—displaying the image from only one perspective, the widest 24mm aperture of the camera.

Other accessories which can be purchased, include, for instance, a luxury leather bag in retro style.

Overall evaluation

The Leica D-Lux 4 is a top-of-the-line digital compact, which provides high quality images. You will get the maximum out of this camera if you use the RAW format and convert images using the standard supplied software Capture One (which is a quality ? in itself). However, thanks to well functioning automatic modes, this camera will definitely not be lost in the hands of a beginner either.

A small inconvenience is the price of the camera. For seven hundred USD you can purchase an amateur digital reflex camera, so it can be assumed that the Leica D-Lux 4 will be purchased primarily by true connoisseurs and fans of this legendary brand. It must also be noted that Leica manufactures this model in co-operation with Panasonic. If you purchase the almost identical model Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3, you will save nearly a third of the price.
Common price (at the time of the review being published): $699

Basic technical data


CCD 1/1,63″
10 Mpx (3 648 × 2 736 px)
Sensitivity ISO 80 to 3 200


24–60 mm F2–2.8
Optical stabilization

Memory medium

SD, SDHC, MMC, Built-in memory 50 MB

Data formats

Image: JPEG
Video: MOV


1,280 × 720 px, 24 fps
848 × 480 px, 30 fps
640 × 480 px, 30 fps
320 × 240 px, 30 fps, 10 fps
Mono sound


Screen size 3” (76 mm)
460,000 px

Power supply

Li-Ion battery

Dimensions and weight

109 × 62 × 51 mm (w × h × d)
260 g (incl. battery and memory card)

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